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Photo: Gayle Karol

Holly Burns, Psychic


"We don't really want you to face reality, we want you to create it."  
  -Abraham Hicks

About Holly

Photo: Gayle Karol


"If you had
one shot,
or one opportunity
to seize everything you ever wanted
in one moment,
would you capture it,
or just let it slip?"  


Holly is a Psychic, Medium, Teacher, and Intuitive Life Coach, who calls what she does, "Consciousness Tuning," and "Consciousness Therapy."


Her work has been featured in "Edge Magazine,"  and is a contributor to the book, "Clear Vessels."  


She helps her clients raise their lives to their highest frequencies, which results in complete happiness when fully achieved.  


She's worked with 100's of clients, performed 1000's of readings, and has noticed there is a common underlying unmet need people have:  They need to know how to recognize and control what they are creating; so they can shift things to what they want.    


Her work focuses on bringing anything and everything about her clients' lives into complete alignment bringing them great joy, ease of creation, wellness and prosperity.


She, working with the Elders, (or any other soul needed, living or dead, animal, alien, collective group, etc.), addresses anything as simple as just wanting to speak with a dead loved one, to wanting to revamp your entire life. You can find more detailed information under the "Services" tab.


Holly understands what it takes to make a commitment to something and making it a reality which helps her to help her clients to do it as well:  She left her corporate job in 1998 to step out on her own and created a successful decorative painting business which allowed her the freedom to raise her two sons and run her household the way she wanted.  She has since started and operated 2 other successful businesses.


One of her passions is studying the direct relationship between our thoughts and our health, and helping her clients to find easy, natural ways to greatly improve their health, and the health of their loved ones.


She especially loves studying the healing power of all things natural, such as plants, and other healing modalities, and works with the Elders to help her clients who are seeking natural solutions, to find the right fit for them. 


Holly is currently assembling her "Consciousness Coaching" series of short video tutorials, that will address any and every issue you can imagine and relate that to how that affects your consciousness, to provide free content for those that cannot afford one on one coaching.  These videos among others can currently be seen on her YouTube Page.  


When Holly is not working with Clients or working on other work related projects, she enjoys spending time with her 2 sons and daughter in law, granddaughter,  her 4 cats and 2 horses.  She enjoys taking her family on ski trips and spending some serene time kayaking on the beautiful Minnesota lakes. She is also a musician and enjoys singing and playing  drums and piano. She is especially looking forward to becoming a Grandmother in the fall of 2021.


Please keep in touch with Holly through Facebook,  Instagram, and friend her, (under Holly Burns), on the new social platform, Unifyd,  or subscribe to this website. She looks forward to hearing from you.





                                                 An Unexpected Journey of Joy

 "I strolled into Magus spiritual shop with intentions of browsing around. During my visit I was so ever kindly greeted by Holly Burns. She introduced herself as a Psychic who was working at the shop and invited my friend and I for a complimentary reading. We sat down and the reading soon became a very deep and extensive reading of my friend and I's lives. We asked questions concerning big life decisions that we're rising up in our lives. She laid out possible outcomes and without telling us what to do she asked us to ask ourselves what it was we truly wanted in life. After understanding what we were seeking the most in life she was able to give us advice that would help us walk down the path we wanted most. The knowledge and insight I gained from this experience was  one of the most helpful tools I've ever been given to bring my passions to fruition." -Bryan D.  

"I often travel to our conversations to pull up inspiration. You have helped me so very much and I'm blessed to have gotten readings from you. All those things you told me are working to my benefit in a way I never thought possible. Transcendence is a miraculous experience. Thank you"  -Alex Urshan

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  • Holly Burns Psychic
  • Holly Burns Psychic
  • Holly Burns Psychic

The contents of this website are for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you have regarding a medical condition, 

"My first impression of Holly was how friendly and warm she was in greeting me.


Holly also seemed very excited to do my reading. I have seen psychics before, but I have not met anyone with Holly's energy and enthusiasm.  


Holly started my reading and  she blew me away with what she was sharing with me.


My reading was on target and I still marvel at how she covered so much material in one hour. I also was thrilled with how thorough Holly was in explaining the process.


I will definitely return!"


 -Jaclin P.

"Holly is an awesome reader with attention to details.  
She can remember the tiniest things 6 months after a reading which blew me away.  
This gave me a ton of clarity about the situation. 

If you need guidance,  Holly is your go to person."  

-Patricia Hill



The contents of this website are for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, dietary supplement, exercise, or other health program.






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